Looking back on 2015

This is actually the first time I've ever done a year-in-review of some sort so I don't really know how to do this thing, but man, 2015 has been one hell of a year for me. Lots of things happened throughout this past year, some good, some bad, and going through all of them would be a pain.

But I'm gonna try and highlight some of those things so... here goes.

I made new friends...

2015 has actually been a total shift in how I use, consume, and interact with social media (more on that in a future post, probably). My Twitter timeline now contains some of the weirdest, funniest, best folks I've found while scouring the whole Twitterverse. Some of them are just by pure luck, while others are made from a network of friends of friends.

This whole shift in social media interaction has really been putting me in a better state, specifically mentally. I've learned to be myself most of the time, while also trying to moderate my time well so that I won't go insane with all the stream of endless information coming at me. For more on this, check out this wonderful post by Kati Krause on Medium.

...and then lost some.

It was also before this shift kicked in where I really hit some of the lowest points of my year. Thanks to some stupid mishaps, some of my friends left me entirely. I've mostly gotten over it now, but it really was some of the lowest points of my year.

It took me almost half a year to recover from everything that happened, and I still get those memories back in my head over time. But I'm slowly getting there though, so don't worry!

I got a job?

Among few of the "firsts" that I've had in 2015 was the first time I've landed a job experience. I was grateful enough to become a part of Influx Inc. for a quick 2-month summer contract. There, I took role as a Customer Support Engineer, in which I was a member of a team that handles customer support for their clients which focus on developing themes for WordPress.

While taking that role, I got fair amounts of experience working remotely as a team, and also some experience with getting around helpdesk dashboards, such as Zendesk and HelpScout.

I listened to some neat songs.

2015 is also the year where my music taste expanded even more, partly thanks to my discovery of vaporwave, but also with the discovery of some cool bands like SONOIO, neat vaporwave subgenres like future funk, old songs that I just discovered this year, and lots of other things.

I will further outline my highlights in music in the next post, but for now, have some good future funk.

Final reflection.

Personally, 2015 has been one of the most eventful years of my life. A lot has happened this year, and I know, some of them are bad, and some of them are good, but at least this year ended with new experiences, new opportunities, new friends, and most importantly, I'm still alive and well.

I've never actually had any New Year's resolution. If I were ever to make one I would just probably say "don't die". But life is much more fun when you're setting your goals along the way, right?

And hey, that's another year done, let us see what the next year will bring for us.

See you in 2016!

Resi Respati

Web developer based in Jakarta, Indonesia.